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Think kind

Entry form

Online projects

If you have any problems submitting your entry via this online form, please download the individual or team form at the end of this page and email entries (e.g. videos, poems, speeches) to info@vegetarian.org.nz. Don't forget to fill out your entry form correctly and attach it to your email so we can send you your prize and certificate!

This information is for our purposes only and will not affect the People's Choice prize.
This information is for our purposes only and will not affect the People's Choice prize.
If the team consists of students of different ages, please select the year of the oldest student.
Please make sure the spelling is correct - this is the name that will be printed on the certificate.
Please make sure that the email address is correct - certificates and prizes will be emailed to this address.
Please make sure the spelling is correct - this is the name that will be printed on the certificate.
Please make sure that the email address is correct - certificates and prizes will be emailed to this address.
Please provide names & emails for all team members. Please note that only 1 prize per team will be sent, but everyone in the team will receive a certificate. So please make sure the emails and names are correct. We promise we'll not spam anyone - your information will be safe with the NZVS.
i.e. we organised a fundraiser for an animal sanctuary / I've written a poem about a pig's life on a factory farm / I made a video raising awareness about rodeo
Please submit your entry here (i.e. a picture of the drawing you made, your poem, essay etc.). If you have got a video, enter the URL link below, here just add supporting documents eg. reference form Maximum 5MB. You can upload multiple files at a time by selecting them all at once. If you have issues with the upload, email us on info@vegetarian.org.nz
i.e. a photo of our team at our lemonade stall, raising funds for farm sanctuary or a poem I've written or a photo of me while delivering the speech I've written etc.
If entering a video, please upload the video to vimeo.com and provide the URL here so we can watch it! Please make sure the URL works.

Physical projects

Download the entry form that suits your entry (either individual or team). Then print, fill in your details and send back to:

NZ Vegetarian Society, PO 26664
Epsom, Auckland 1334